Resource Center

Find everything you need to know about Azumo here — spec sheets, tutorials, case studies, what Azumo is thinking, and more.

Lenovo_Nano-TFI keyboard

Nano-TFI: The Tech Behind Illuminated Transparent Gadgets

Azumo has introduced their latest innovation, Nano-Thin Film Illumination (Nano-TFI), as seen in the keyboard…


Guidelines for Driving Front Light LED

We discuss LED integration into a circuit design and the need to know guidelines for driving front light LED.


Azumo Presents at Innovation China 2019

Azumo presents the world's thinnest light guide at Innovation China 2019.


Azumo Introduces New Ultra-Thin Light Panel for Electric Vehicles

We demonstrate our new ultra-thin light panel for electric vehicles at the International Symposium for Automotive Lighting in Germany.


CLEARink And FLEx To Create Next Gen ePaper Display Solutions

Frontlit ePaper 2.0 Display Wows Attendees at SID’s Display Week


SID Display Week 2019: Azumo Recap

With the Society of Information Displays' annual Display Week 2019 behind us, here's a brief recap from Azumo.


The Evolution of Device Display Technology

See how the LED dominated display for decades and how the industry is finally moving away from it.

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